Greetings all Gateshead Green Party supporters, I would like make a call for donations for our local (East Midlands and the North East) Field Officer Jonathon Elmer. As you may know, the Green Party operates entirely from voluntary contributions and unfortunately the Greens can’t currently afford to keep Jonathon employed. Jonathan is currently employed to provide local parties with the support they need to fight competitive election campaigns, and our near victory in Neville’s Cross shows that his approach works. Jonathan has worked really hard in his role and has been making large contributions to the support of local parties and his constituency for years. Local members have all been chipping in to help support his monthly income and we’re almost at out target but we and he, could really do with your support. We are asking for direct debit contributions to help fund Jonathan’s monthly wage. Any small amount would be a wonderful addition. No one is under any obligation and we respect and understand that not everyone can contribute. We would appreciate any help that can be offered to help Jonathan continue. Please follow the secure link if you would like to help,